HTMLPurifier 4.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00011 class HTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder
00012 {
00017     protected $preserve = array();
00022     public function __construct($preserve = false) {
00023         // unreserved letters, ought to const-ify
00024         for ($i = 48; $i <= 57;  $i++) $this->preserve[$i] = true; // digits
00025         for ($i = 65; $i <= 90;  $i++) $this->preserve[$i] = true; // upper-case
00026         for ($i = 97; $i <= 122; $i++) $this->preserve[$i] = true; // lower-case
00027         $this->preserve[45] = true; // Dash         -
00028         $this->preserve[46] = true; // Period       .
00029         $this->preserve[95] = true; // Underscore   _
00030         $this->preserve[126]= true; // Tilde        ~
00032         // extra letters not to escape
00033         if ($preserve !== false) {
00034             for ($i = 0, $c = strlen($preserve); $i < $c; $i++) {
00035                 $this->preserve[ord($preserve[$i])] = true;
00036             }
00037         }
00038     }
00050     public function encode($string) {
00051         $ret = '';
00052         for ($i = 0, $c = strlen($string); $i < $c; $i++) {
00053             if ($string[$i] !== '%' && !isset($this->preserve[$int = ord($string[$i])]) ) {
00054                 $ret .= '%' . sprintf('%02X', $int);
00055             } else {
00056                 $ret .= $string[$i];
00057             }
00058         }
00059         return $ret;
00060     }
00069     public function normalize($string) {
00070         if ($string == '') return '';
00071         $parts = explode('%', $string);
00072         $ret = array_shift($parts);
00073         foreach ($parts as $part) {
00074             $length = strlen($part);
00075             if ($length < 2) {
00076                 $ret .= '%25' . $part;
00077                 continue;
00078             }
00079             $encoding = substr($part, 0, 2);
00080             $text     = substr($part, 2);
00081             if (!ctype_xdigit($encoding)) {
00082                 $ret .= '%25' . $part;
00083                 continue;
00084             }
00085             $int = hexdec($encoding);
00086             if (isset($this->preserve[$int])) {
00087                 $ret .= chr($int) . $text;
00088                 continue;
00089             }
00090             $encoding = strtoupper($encoding);
00091             $ret .= '%' . $encoding . $text;
00092         }
00093         return $ret;
00094     }
00096 }
00098 // vim: et sw=4 sts=4